Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac Review

Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac

The last time we reviewed the Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac, we said that we wouldn’t be eating it again. It turns out, we were mistaken. See, when we saw that the dish had fresh new packaging, we felt compelled to give it another try. After all, the original dish wasn’t completely terrible. Could it really hurt to try it a second time?

Like almost all Lean Cuisine dishes, this mac is a cinch to cook. Just toss it in the microwave for three minutes, give it a stir, heat it for one more minute, and it’s ready to go. It doesn’t get much easier than a Lean Cuisine meal. Their frozen dinners really are perfect for work lunches.

So let’s dig in and give this sucker a second chance.

The last time we tried this, the salsa-based sauce was so soupy that we struggled to cover our noodles. The sauce is still fairly thin, but we’d say it’s less watery than it was the last time we tried this dish. We compared the ingredients and didn’t notice any differences, but it’s possible that Lean Cuisine used a little less water this time around.

Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili MacLean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac

Even with the thicker sauce, this meal isn’t going to blow you away. Unsurprisingly, the sauce isn’t actually spicy, but it isn’t bland either, and the texture of the noodles, beans, and corn are all perfectly fine. We’d say that there are better dishes in the Lean Cuisine line, but if you’re looking for something new, it can’t hurt to give this chili mac a try.

The Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac has fresh new packaging, and we’d also say that the dish itself is slightly better than it was in the past. It’s still not going to be one of our go-to meals, but apparently, it is a dish that we’re willing to eat more than once. As long as you don’t go in expecting something phenomenal, this meal is perfectly fine.

To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this Lean Cuisine frozen food, check out our package scans below.

Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac
Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac
Lean Cuisine Favorites Spicy Veggie Chili Mac
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