If Evol is to be believed, their Gluten Free Uncured Bacon Mac & Cheese is a responsible way to enjoy bacon. According to the box, these piggies are “Certified Humane handled and raised, never given antibiotics, and fed a vegetarian diet.” We respect the effort to treat animals well, even if we are going to eat them in the end.
This dish can be heated up in the microwave or cooked in the oven. If you go the oven route, you will begin to smell the pork before it’s even done cooking. That’s how rich the flavor is in Evol’s pork; even with the small amount present in this mac and cheese dish, it doesn’t let its presence go unknown.
The flavor is actually closer to shredded pork than bacon proper, but we doubt that will be a complaint for pork enthusiasts. Bacon purists, on the other hand, might feel a little betrayed.
The noodles and bits of pork are lightly sauced with a milk, cheese, and cream mix that makes the whole thing feel complete and gives it a nice texture. It’s a good combination, though it’s hard to discern its true taste when the pork flavor is so potent.
Oh, and we shouldn’t fail to mention that the macaroni is gluten free, so those wishing to abstain from gluten (whether for health reasons or simply as a diet choice) will still be able to enjoy this.
The Uncured Bacon Mac & Cheese is a macaroni dish designed to satisfy a very particular craving. It’s certainly not going to lure the vegetarian crowd over to the carnivore side of the fence, and those looking for something especially cheesy and creamy might want to try something else. If you’ve got an insatiable craving for pork, however, this dish will truly delight.
For a complete look at the nutrition info and ingredients, see our package scan below.