Sweet Earth Baja Breakfast Burrito Review

Sweet Earth Baja Breakfast Burrito

We here at Freezer Meal Frenzy were very much looking forward to trying out the Baja Breakfast Burrito by Sweet Earth. A fondness for breakfast burritos is a common theme among us, and the Baja’s ingredients almost read like a list of our favorite things: eggs, pinto beans, chipotle seitan, jack and cheddar cheeses.

But the flavor feels a little dull for such an interesting combination of tastes. These ingredients shouldn’t combine to make such a bland meal, but perhaps the balance is just not quite right. A little more egg or seitan could have given it some much-needed form, and maybe a teensy bit more chipotle pepper could have added some tang.

The texture is off as well. Even when cooked in the oven, the filling seemed a little too moist and runny for our tastes.

Sweet Earth Baja Breakfast Burrito

Unfortunately, the Baja is a pretty mediocre breakfast offering. This is especially disappointing coming from Sweet Earth, which offers a fairly robust line of delicious frozen foods. Their burritos typically rate pretty highly here at Freezer Meal Frenzy; the Baja is a rare exception.

The bright side is that Sweet Earth also offers a much better breakfast burrito: the Big Sur. Check that one out if you’re looking for a morning treat to pair with your coffee.

For the full scoop on nutrition and ingredients, see our scans of the packaging below.

Sweet Earth Baja Breakfast Burrito

Sweet Earth Baja Breakfast Burrito

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