Sweet Earth Korean Japchae Review

Sweet Earth Korean Japchae

Like Amy’s Kitchen, Sweet Earth provides a line of frozen food suitable for vegetarians. Also like Amy’s Kitchen, Sweet Earth’s list of vegetarian-friendly meals seems to be constantly growing. Their Korean Japchae wasn’t on sale yet when we started reviewing Sweet Earth frozen food, so when we spotted it at our local grocery store, we were quite surprised. We decided to try it right away.

What we were most excited to try was the yam noodles. But, as you can see from our picture below, there were quite a bit less of them than we expected when we saw the picture on the package. They’re in there, and they taste great, but they’re buried under heaps and heaps of veggies.

Sweet Earth Korean Japchae

The veggies make up the bulk of this meal. It’s loaded with carrots, spinach, bell peppers, shiitake mushrooms, and green onions. Of all of those, the mushrooms are our favorite.

This dish also has some bits of seitan, and a fair helping of sesame seeds, but the thing that really makes this dish pop is the sauce. It’s a delicious blend of soy sauce, sesame oil, brown sugar, and spices, and it gives this dish its Korean zing. We’ve been burned by Korean-inspired frozen food in the past, but Sweet Earth shines through where others have failed.

At 300 calories (70 from fat), it’s not a bad meal for dieters, but keep in mind there are 650mg of sodium, which is quite a bit.

Sweet Earth’s Korean Japchae is a great-tasting dish that’s loaded with veggies. Those looking for a Korean dish without meat could certainly find far worse frozen meals on the market.

For more info on the ingredients and nutrition in this frozen meal, check out our package scans below.

Sweet Earth Korean Japchae

Sweet Earth Korean Japchae

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