The Freezer Meal Frenzy staff loves a nice plate of nachos. We also love frozen lasagna. That said, we’ve never thought of combining the two until now. The 365 Everyday Value Roasted Vegetable Lasagna blends nachos and lasagnas, delivering a pretty decent dish.
If you look at the image below, you can probably tell why this dish is so reminiscent of nachos. The bright yellow, gooey cheese tastes exactly like a cheesy nacho dip. While the label says that this is organic mozzarella, it doesn’t really taste like mozzarella at all. We thought it tasted like a seasoned cheddar.
The vegetables that the lasagna is loaded with also taste a lot like salsa. From the diced tomatoes to the bell peppers, this lasagna definitely gives off a salsa vibe. Of course, there are plenty of other vegetables in this dish, including organic mushrooms and zucchini. The combination of flavors was fairly appetizing overall.
Strange flavor combinations aside, we thought the worst part of the dish was the lasagna noodles. We found them to be tough and a little chewy, and we wound up eating around them more often than not.
If nacho lasagna is something you’ve always wanted to try, you should definitely give this a try. If you think that a nacho/lasagna hybrid sounds disgusting, you should stay far away from this 365 dish. There are better lasagnas on the market right now, and none of them tastes anything like nachos.
For more information about this dish’s ingredients and nutritional content, check out our scans below.