We tried Good Food Made Simple’s Original Pancake Puffs a while back, and we thought they made for a pretty great breakfast or snack. But trying them made us curious about the other option available right now, the Banana Pancake Puffs.
At first glance, we thought this could go either way — they have the potential to be amazing, but they also have the potential to fail very hard. Banana can be great when used properly, but it can also ruin a perfectly good dish if it’s not. Of course, the only way to find out for sure is to cook some up and try them for ourselves — which, as you’ve already guessed, is exactly what we did.
When we cooked up the Original version of this breakfast food, we tried two batches. One was cooked in the microwave and the other was cooked in the oven. While the microwaved version turned out halfway decent, the oven version was far, far superior. They ended up with a better, puffier texture, and they were less soggy.
So we didn’t even mess with the microwave at all this time. We pulled 26 of these puffs out of the package, arranged them on a cookie sheet, and threw them into the oven for about ten minutes. We shared these between two Freezer Meal Frenzy staffers, and both of them prefered these over the Original version.
These puffs came out pretty much perfect. They were nice and crisped around the edges with soft, warm centers. We know we already said this, but we just want to reiterate it one more time — these things should definitely be cooked in the oven.
The Banana Pancake Puffs are very good. Unlike the Original flavor, these don’t require any sort of topping. They’re delicious on their own. That didn’t stop us from trying a little bit of maple syrup on a few of them though, which really brings out the sweeter side of the dried banana that’s mixed into these things.
There should be about 36 puffs in a package, though ours was a few short at 34. The last package we tried had 39, so quantity can vary pretty wildly, it seems.
If you’re looking for a fun breakfast item, Good Food Made Simple’s Pancake Puffs are a great choice. The Banana Pancake Puffs are the way to go if you’re looking for something that doesn’t require a ton of syrup. If you love pancakes, you should probably keep some of these in your freezer at all times.
To learn more about the nutrition or ingredients in these Pancake Puffs, check out our package scan below.