Lentils have been a soup staple for thousands of years. Historians have traced the usage of lentils all the way back to the Paleolithic period, and ancient Greeks considered lentil soup to be a delicacy. Today, lentil soup is consumed all over the world.
So with their Organic Lentil Soup, Amy’s Kitchen is canning a longstanding piece of human history.
This is a simple soup with a fairly small list of ingredients. Though we appreciate that the ingredients are healthy and easy to pronounce, we found this soup to be extremely bland. There’s just not a lot of flavor going on here; the broth is watery and none of the other seasonings stand out.
Thankfully, this is something we were able to remedy. We added a little bit of pepper and cumin, gave the soup a good stir, and were left with a more appealing dish. While we would have appreciated a few more potatoes and a little less broth, the blandness is the only significant issue this soup has. All of the ingredients taste fresh, and there are no texture issues at play.
We’d hesitate to recommend Amy’s Lentil Soup; there’s just nothing that makes it stand out. That said, if you’ve been hunting for a healthy, low-calorie soup and you have some spices on hand, you might be able to make this vegan soup work for you.
For more information about this dish’s ingredients and nutritional content, check out our package scan below.