Trader Joe’s Mac ‘n Cheese Review

Trader Joe's Mac 'N Cheese

Trader Joe’s has a pretty substantial lineup of macaroni dishes, and we’d love to try them all. We really liked their Hatch Chile Mac & Cheese, and their Reduced Guilt Mac & Cheese is a nice low-calorie treat. But oddly enough, we still haven’t tried the most basic version of the dish — so today we’re going to fix that by testing out the Trader Joe’s Mac ‘n Cheese.

This dish takes a fairly long time to cook, at five to six minutes in the microwave — this isn’t an absurd time or anything, but six minutes is definitely longer than your average frozen meal should take.

The cheese sauce here is a wild blend of cheddar, Swiss, gouda, and havarti, and it’s very tasty. It has that bitter zing of sharp cheddar along with the sour undertones of gouda, but it also smooths things out with a sour cream-like flavor. Everything works together to create a truly craveable sauce!

Trader Joe's Mac 'N Cheese

The noodles are your basic elbow shape, though they seem just a little bit longer than the typical elbow. We don’t have a whole lot to say about them, really — they do the trick, and we’re not going to argue against tradition!

The back of the box lists 360 calories (130 from fat), which doesn’t seem bad until you realize this box contains two servings. That means a dish of this mac and cheese contains 720 calories, which is quite a lot. And the sodium level is pretty high too, at 590 mg per serving (or 1,180 mg per box). That’s a ton of sodium!

So is this worth all those calories? Definitely not every day, especially when there’s a “Reduced Guilt” version of this dish that contains about 1/3 the calorie count. Trader Joe’s Mac ‘n Cheese is more of a once-in-a-while treat than an everyday meal. But that’s okay, because it’s a very tasty way to brighten up a cheat day.

If you want to learn more about the nutrition content or ingredients in this Trader Joe’s macaroni dish, check out our package scan below.

Trader Joe's Mac 'N Cheese

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