Mini tacos have a lot going for them. They’re small, they’re delicious, and they make great snacks. Plus, they’re super cute! So we were pretty excited when we stumbled upon the Trader Joe’s Mini Chicken Tacos when we were at our local Trader Joe’s. These look like they’d make quite the tasty treat!
We cracked open a box to find quite a few tacos inside, all packed up into a single plastic bag. The box says to expect about 24 tacos inside. While we didn’t take the time to actually count them, you can see from the picture below that there are a substantial amount of the little guys per box.
The instructions on the package give you quite a few different ways to cook these. You can heat these in a pan, a microwave, or an oven. We opted for the oven, because we thought that would be the best way to get a crispy shell with a minimum amount of hassle. Simply preheat the oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit, put some tacos on a cookie sheet, then bake them for six to eight minutes. You’ll know they’re done with the shells are nice and crisp.
Now, these are pretty simple tacos. Don’t expect to find tacos that are bursting with ingredients; these just have chicken and verde sauce inside. These are designed more as a jumping off point for your mealtime creativity than a meal in and of themselves. Add some lettuce and tomato, add some cheese, add some sauce, add whatever you’d like.
While they probably don’t contain everything you’d want in a taco, the stuff that’s there is quite good. The chicken tastes nice and fresh — it’s a combination of leg and breast meat that has that stringy consistency that really separates chicken taco meat from beef.
There’s also a blend of several ingredients that we’d call a verde sauce. It’s got tomatillos, green chiles, green chile puree, jalapenos, and more. It ends up being a pretty tasty little sauce that complements the chicken quite well.
The shells are nice and crispy, though we do have to warn you that they’re a little greasy, even when baked in the oven. (We can only imagine that cooking these in a pan with some vegetable oil would make them even greasier.) While these are a good finger food, you’ll want to keep a stash of napkins handy.
One serving is four tacos, though we found it hard to stop at just four. We think eight is a pretty good size for a snack. One serving contains 190 calories (80 from fat), so our snack had 380 calories (160 from fat). The sodium level is pretty low, at just 230 mg per serving (or 460 mg for our snack). That’s quite low for a frozen meal. Of course, you’ll want to keep in mind that these are intended to be eaten with a dipping sauce of some kind — preferably a salsa, queso, or sour cream — so you’ll be adding calories and sodium with whatever you decide to top these with.
We think Trader Joe’s Mini Chicken Tacos would make an excellent party platter. Lay them out on a plate in a circle around a bowl of cheese dip or salsa, and your friends are really going to have a good time!
To learn more about the nutrition content or ingredients in these mini tacos, check out our package scan below.