Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta Review

Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta

While pesto is served all over Italy, the pesto served in Sicily is a little bit different. On this Mediterranean island, pesto is usually made with tomatoes. The Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta promises Sicilian-style pesto. Unfortunately, the results are less than amazing.

Like most Lean Cuisine meals, this dish is a breeze to prepare. If you’re looking for a fast and easy meal that you can enjoy on your lunch breaks, this is definitely an option worth considering. In just five minutes, you’ll have a tasty-looking pasta meal that’s hot and ready to eat!

When we pulled ours out of the microwave, we thought the pasta looked a little dry. However, it wound up being the highlight of the dish. The pasta is made with both wheat flour and lentil flour, which gives the pasta an unusual flavor and texture. It definitely doesn’t taste or feel like normal pasta, but for us, that isn’t a negative. It reminds us a lot of pasta made from vegetables.

Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta

We expected the tomato and pesto sauce to be savory, but we actually found it to be surprisingly sweet. The sweetness is definitely going to turn off some diners, but we quite enjoy the flavor of this sauce. The sweetness helps reduce the acidity of the tomatoes, and we really like the way the sauce compliments the spinach and yellow carrots.

However, we’re a little disappointed by the pesto. There’s not really any pesto in this dish at all; it’s just a pasta with vegetables and tomato sauce.

If you’re hoping for a traditional Sicilian pesto, this meal definitely isn’t going to deliver. It doesn’t even contain basil or pine nuts; it tastes nothing like the pesto you’d find in Italy. However, we did appreciate the unusual flavors and textures at play in this dish. The Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta isn’t the best Lean Cuisine pasta we’ve tried, but it is a dish that will stand out in our memory. And that has to count for something, right?

To lean more about the nutrition content or ingredients in this Lean Cuisine pasta dish, check out our package scans below.

Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta

Lean Cuisine Sicilian-Style Pesto with Lentil Pasta

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