Quinoa may not be easy to say (for the record, it’s pronounced KEEN-wah), but it is one of the healthiest foods around. It’s a complete protein, it contains all nine amino acids, and it’s loaded with vitamins and anti-oxidants.
So when we saw Trader Joe’s Quinoa Duo with Vegetable Melange, we knew it would be nutritious, and we hoped that it would be tasty too.
We were a little nervous about this dish when we took it out of the bag; the quinoa was clumped together and looked extremely dry. Thankfully, after just a few minutes on the stove, it morphed into something that looked a lot more palatable.
As you can probably tell from the image above, the bulk of this meal is quinoa. While we initially thought that this dish might be on the plain side, we’re pleased to report that it has plenty of flavor. It’s seasoned with galangal, a ginger-like spice that has a citrusy flavor. The dish also contains tomato sauce, which keeps the quinoa from being overly dry. We also found the dish to be extremely filling.
That said, we do wish that there was a little bit more of the promised vegetable melange. The chunks of zucchini and sweet potato are small, but they’re still juicy and delicious. These veggies make a terrific complement to the quinoa, but the small servings mean that many bites will be potato and zucchini-free. If you have some leftover veggies in your fridge, we’d definitely recommend tossing them in as you cook the meal.
Even though we wished there were more vegetables, we found the Trader Joe’s Quinoa Duo with Vegetable Melange to be absolutely delicious. It’s not going to win over any quinoa haters, but it’s a terrific option for anyone that’s looking for a low-calorie meal that’s still loaded with flavor.
To learn more about the nutrition content or ingredients in this Trader Joe’s quinoa, check out our package scan below.
I absolutely love this quinoa too! Sadly, I’ve learned that it’s discontinued. They’ve GOT to bring it back.