There’s no rational need for miniature waffles. Even if you don’t have the appetite for a full-sized waffle, a waffle can easily be cut into halves or fourths. That said, mini waffles are pretty cute, and we’re suckers for adorable food. The 365 Everyday Value Blueberry Mini Waffles, available at Whole Foods, are a breakfast treat that we couldn’t resist.
When you take these waffles out of the box, they’ll be connected together in fours, which creates a waffle about the same size as a standard waffle. That means that, despite their “mini” size, these treats are still toaster-ready.
The Freezer Meal Frenzy office doesn’t actually have a toaster (yes, we know we should fix this problem eventually), so we had to cook our waffles in the toaster oven instead. After about three minutes, when they were nice and crispy, we pulled the waffles out of the toaster oven and tore them into four bite-sized pieces.

If you gravitated to these waffles because of their blueberry flavor, they’re probably going to disappoint you. We could barely taste any blueberry at all. Even the bites that contained visible blueberry chunks tasted like a plain waffle to us.
These waffles might be a failure on the blueberry front, but they’re still pretty tasty, especially when doused in maple syrup. If you’re not too concerned about the blueberry failure, and you’re just on the lookout for a reasonably nutritious mini waffle, these treats might work for you. 12 mini waffles contain just 9 grams of sugar, which makes these a surprisingly healthy breakfast food. They’re also vegan-friendly, which is a nice bonus.
You probably don’t need 365 Everyday Value Blueberry Mini Waffles in your freezer, but they’re definitely worth trying nonetheless. They’re not offering anything remarkable, and they don’t even taste like blueberries, but they are cute, and that counts for something in our book.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for these frozen waffles, check out our package scans below.