The Archer Farms Parmesan Cheese Puff Pastry Wrapped Mini Uncured Beef Hot Dogs have a ridiculously long name, but you don’t need to be intimidated by them. Really, they’re just puff dogs, similar to the Trader Joe’s Puff Dogs, or, perhaps more accurately, the Trader Joe’s Parmesan Pastry Pups (both of which we’ve reviewed in the past). And, since we love puff dogs, we’re really excited to give these a try.
Inside the box you’ll find ten of these little pups, and they come sealed inside an inner package, as you can see in our image below.
And they sure look cute, don’t they? They kind of resemble tiny little puppies snuggled up in blankets. They are quite small, but they do expand while they’re cooking, so don’t underestimate how much space you’ll need on the cookie sheet when you bake these. Don’t expect them to get gigantic or anything, but these do come out of the oven larger than they go in.
So how do these taste?
Well, the beef franks are pretty great. They have a surprisingly beefy taste to them — more than we’d expect from the average beef frank — and a nice snap when you bite into them. However, they tend to be just a little too dry, which makes them slightly less pleasant to bite into than they’d be otherwise.
The croissant shells actually have less flavor than you might expect. You have to peel a piece away from the frank if you want to taste it at all. There is a delectable croissant taste buried in there somewhere, but you’re mostly going to taste the franks.
Also, these are seasoned with a blend that might be better in a bird feeder than on a pastry. This mix includes sesame seeds, poppy seeds, granulated onion, and caraway seeds. First off, they are really inconsistent. Some pieces hardly have any seeds on them, while others are so loaded with them that you can barely see the croissant through all those seeds. Secondly, they don’t really add anything flavor-wise. In fact, they end up being kind of annoying, as they get stuck in your teeth. You might want to keep a toothpick handy.
While you can eat these plain, we recommend adding a dipping sauce of some sort. We tried both mustard and barbecue sauce, and both were pretty good options, though we think a ketchup-and-mustard blend is probably your safest bet here.
The box considers three pieces to be a serving, which means there are 3 1/3 servings per box. If you stick with those three, the calorie count isn’t too bad, at just 240 calories (and just 150 from fat). Of course, we have a feeling you’ll probably want to eat more than three of these, so you’ll have to factor that into your calorie consumption as well. Plus, you’ll also need to add in whatever dipping sauce you use should you choose to use one. Trust us, those calories start adding up pretty fast.
The Archer Farms Parmesan Cheese Puff Pastry Wrapped Mini Uncured Beef Hot Dogs are just alright. We probably won’t be eating them again, since there are plenty of better puff dogs on the market. You should definitely try the Trader Joe’s Parmesan Pastry Pups if you want a better option.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for these Archer Farms puff dogs, check out our package scans below.