PF Chang’s Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork Review

PF Chang's Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork

Sometimes, a hot bowl of Asian food is worth braving the cold weather for. You can get all bundled up, call up some friends, and head to your nearest PF Chang’s restaurant to enjoy good food and good company. However, sometimes you just want the joy of eating toasty Asian food without having to leave the house. And for those occasions, there is the PF Chang’s Home Menu line of frozen food.

Not all of PF Chang’s frozen offerings are winners, of course. We found their Sichuan Style Orange Chicken to be a bit lacking, for example. But some of their food is quite good, including the Chicken Egg Rolls and the Honey Chicken. So we’re hoping the PF Chang’s Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork Bowl, which we’re reviewing today, is a tasty meal. After all, it brings us no pleasure to have to review food that isn’t great (which is why we decided to stop reviewing Healthy Choice Power Bowls).

So let’s dig in and see what this Korean pork bowl is all about.

First of all, cooking this is a cinch — just toss it into the microwave for four or five minutes and you’re all set. (If you want to see the full cooking instructions, check out our package scans at the bottom of this frozen food review.)

PF Chang's Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork

Obviously, the main event here is the pork. Whenever we hear the words Korean and pork in the same sentence, our mouths start watering, so we were quite enthusiastic about checking out this meal’s pork content. So how is it? Well, if we didn’t know any better, we would have thought this was beef. It has a steak-like taste and consistency to it. It’s perhaps a little dry, but not enough that we were disappointed by it. There’s also a decent portion size for a frozen food — we wouldn’t exactly say it’s loaded with the stuff, but there’s more here than you’d expect from an average frozen meal.

Of course, it’s the sauce that really makes this shine. It’s a spicy gochujang sauce that really has a good kick to it. This was much spicier than we were expecting it to be, so spice-ophobes will need to stay away from this. There’s also a great sweet barbecue flavor that really enhances both the meat and the noodles.

Those noodles, by the way, are lo mein style, so they’re thick enough to withstand the sauce without getting mushy. In fact, they end up being a little firm and sticky with the sauce, which is a great consistency for a dish like this.

There are some veggies in the mix too, including red peppers and carrots. We were also told to expect mushrooms, but we only found one or two pieces in the entire dish. We would have certainly loved to see more mushrooms here.

This is no diet-friendly meal. It contains 490 calories and 1,030 mg of sodium, which will probably steer dieters away from it. We think it’s worth the calorie load if you’re just going to try it out, but we definitely don’t think you should eat one of these every day.

The PF Chang’s Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork Bowl isn’t perfect, but it’s a spicy Korean-style treat for those who would rather stay in for the evening than go out. It has a nice kick to it that will keep your belly warm on a cold night, and the sauce has a delicious, craveable flavor. While we won’t be enjoying this on a regular basis, we definitely want to return to it on a snowy winter evening.

To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this PF Chang’s frozen meal, check out our package scans below.

PF Chang's Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork
PF Chang's Home Menu Korean Inspired Pork
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Wendy Frantz
Wendy Frantz
2 years ago

i just tried the P.F. Chang’s Korean inspired Pork dish and all I will say is “never again” the heat in the dish made me sick to my stomach!!

Tina lane
Tina lane
2 years ago

Just tried koreaninspired pork ,,, absolutely disgusting, no one could eat that shit

2 years ago

This is one of my favourite dishes, but that’s only because I like super spicy food. I wouldn’t recommend this unless you want to have your mouth lit on fire and be in actual pain.

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