Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats Review

Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats

Whether they avoid meat or not, Freezer Meal Frenzy staffers tend to love brats. In fact, the Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Brats, which we recently reviewed, were a hit with everyone on the team. So when we spotted the Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats, we were excited to have another brat day at the office.

Unlike most of the frozen foods we review, these meatless sausages have to be thawed in the refrigerator before they’re cooked up. It’s pretty similar to cooking regular meat! This can add some time to the cooking process, but these are still pretty simple to prepare.

These sausages can be cooked in a skillet, on a griddle, or on a grill. Since we don’t have a griddle or a grill in our offices, we went with the skillet option. We simply tossed some grapeseed oil in a pan, added the sausage, and turned it until it was cooked evenly. It took around 6 to 7 minutes before the sausage was ready to eat.

Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats

Beyond Meat’s products are a step above many of the other faux meat products on the market, but even so, these brats won’t be enough to fool suspicious meat lovers. The biggest giveaway is the casing. As you can see in the image above, it’s easy to tell at a glance that this wasn’t made from real meat.

The flavor, however, is a lot more convincing. Unlike the original brats, these sausages are seasoned pretty heavily. That helps to mask many of the earthier flavors to make this taste more like actual sausage. The texture is fantastic; Beyond Meat manages to make these brats juicy even though they’re plant-based.

Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats

The packaging describes these as “hot” Italian brats, but we didn’t think there was much heat at all. The brats actually remind us of one of our favorite frozen products, the Trader Joe’s Sausage-Less Sausage. Like the TJ’s sausages, these seasoned brats are a great way to add protein and flavor to a pasta dish, and they’re flavorful to be eaten alone. We’d say Beyond Meat’s brats are a cut above the ones from Trader Joe’s, but since the TJ’s product is substantially cheaper, it will probably still be our go-to.

The Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats are just as tasty as the other Beyond Meat brats we’ve sampled. While the seasoning makes them slightly less versatile, they’re still a delicious meat alternative that’s also pretty healthy. If you want to add an extra kick to an Italian dish but don’t want to add meat, these sausages are an option worth considering.

To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for these vegetarian brats, check out our package scans below.

Beyond Meat Beyond Sausage Hot Italian Brats
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2 years ago

I came searching if I could boil them like hot dogs because I like that texture the best. but it seems by the look that it may just fall apart. Please let me know if I am assuming right it can not be boiled like a hot dog. thankyou

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