The Freezer Meal Frenzy staff adores gnocchi, and we’re also huge fans of mac & cheese. When a product combines dough dumplings and a creamy cheese sauce, it’s too much for us to resist. Even though we weren’t impressed by Fresh Thyme’s mac & cheese, we knew we had to try the Fresh Thyme Four Cheese Gnocchi Skillet Meal as soon as possible.
While Fresh Thyme does include microwave instructions, we chose to heat our gnocchi in a skillet. It can be cooked with or without oil, but we had grapeseed oil handy so we added it to the skillet. Our gnocchi was completely cooked in about five minutes. It’s hard to complain about a meal that’s this easy to prepare.
There’s not really a lot going on here, but the dish is perfectly delicious as is. The gnocchi has a terrific chewy texture, and the cheese sauce is creamy without being overly rich. You could easily customize this gnocchi by adding a sprinkling of pepper or even paprika, but it’s more than flavorful enough on its own.
While we loved eating this dish, we have to quibble with the serving size that’s listed on the package. The image above shows the contents of an entire bag. Fresh Thyme says that there are three servings here, but we can’t see how this could possibly feed three people, even if you served it as a side dish. Of course, at 690 calories per bag, you’ll probably want to find someone to split this with.
The Fresh Thyme Four Cheese Gnocchi Skillet Meal is a gnocchi dish tailor-made for fans of mac and cheese. If you’re in the mood for classic mac and cheese but are also craving something a little less traditional, we recommend giving this dish a try. It may be high in calories, but it tastes terrific, and it’s a breeze to prepare.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this Fresh Thyme frozen meal, check out our package scans below.