We love mac and cheese here at Freezer Meal Frenzy, so whenever we see a frozen mac that we haven’t tried before, our eyes light up. We love encountering untasted macaroni in the wild!
Today, though, we’re not tasting something completely new to us. Instead, we’re revisiting the Lean Cuisine Vermont White Cheddar Mac & Cheese, which we reviewed before. Since then, however, Lean Cuisine has moved it into their new Features line, and they claim to have added more cheese as well. We thought that more than justified a fresh look at this classic frozen food.
Lean Cuisine specializes in fast and easy frozen meals, and this one is no different. Toss it in the microwave, give it a stir, cook it for another minute or so, and it’s ready to go. If you don’t have the energy to do any cooking, or if you’re looking something you can quickly eat during your lunch break at work, this product is perfect.

Lean Cuisine claims that they’ve added more cheese to this dish, which is probably true. The original dish clocked in at 250 calories, while the new and improved version is 280 calories. However, it tastes almost identical to the original version of the meal. There might have been a little more cheese sauce, but the sauce is also thinner in consistency.
This is a pretty plain bowl of mac and cheese, and Lean Cuisine hasn’t done anything to spice it up. If you want your meal to be a little less bland, we recommend sprinkling in a little bit of cayenne pepper. It adds just a bit of kick to the meal and really enhances its natural flavor.
The Lean Cuisine Features Vermont White Cheddar Mac & Cheese isn’t that much cheesier than the original version of this meal. However, it’s still an appealing basic mac and cheese dish that’s a step above Kraft dinner. If you’re willing to add in a few spices, you can turn this into something that’s pretty tasty. If you don’t want to bother with doctoring up your mac and cheese, though, you might prefer to skip this one.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this Lean Cuisine frozen mac and cheese, check out our package scans below.