No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, veggie burgers are a great thing to eat. They can really knock back a burger craving if you dress them up well enough, and you don’t even have to be a carnivore to enjoy them. Today we’re reviewing one of the staples of the frozen veggie-burger universe: the Morningstar Farms Grillers Original Veggie Burgers.
Now, Morningstar Farms has messed with the recipe a bit to create the Prime version of the classic Grillers (which we’ve reviewed in the past), but today’s veggie burger is the original Griller.
There are many different ways you can cook these. In fact, if you take a gander at the cooking instructions on the package, you might be overwhelmed at your options (you can read all that by checking out our package scans at the bottom of this article). If you want our opinion, we think they turn out the best if you use a skillet, though we have been known to use the microwave when we were in a hurry. For the sake of today’s review, we heated our burger in a skillet.

So how do these compare with your typical hamburger patty? Well, they certainly don’t mimic the taste or texture of beef. They’re a lot softer than beef and they have a grainy flavor to them. There’s a little bit of a smokiness to them, which is enhanced if you cook them on a skillet and even more pronounced when you heat them on a grill, but it’s not enough to fool any carnivorous consumers.
But that doesn’t mean they’re bad. In fact, these actually taste really great. Plus, their lack of beefiness matters less and less as you add toppings.
So how do you top your Grillers? Well, we like the old-fashioned combo of tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup, and mustard, and it’s hard to go wrong with a sesame seed bun. We’ll add mayo and cheese if we’re feeling especially feisty. Obviously, there are more ways to dress these up than we can count, and you could even get super creative with these by heating up the patties and then chopping them up for a pasta or salad.

One patty contains 130 calories and 390 mg of sodium, which means that even two patties won’t put a dent in your diet on their own. Of course, you also have to factor in whatever else you decide to top these with, and some condiments can be pretty calorie-loaded. But there are plenty of ways to eat these smartly (though it’s hard to resist the siren song of gobs of ketchup and mustard on a veggie burger).
The Morningstar Farms Grillers Original Veggie Burgers are true classics for good reason: they taste great, they’re easy to make, and they won’t bust a diet. They’re also exceptionally versatile, which makes them a really well-rounded lunch option. It’s really hard to go wrong with Morningstar Farms Grillers.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for these Morningstar Farms veggie burgers, check out our package scan below.