Lean Cuisine is constantly rearranging their frozen food lines, which sometimes makes them a bit tricky to keep up with. We here at Freezer Meal Frenzy, however, believe it’s our obligation to follow their cuisine adventures wherever they may go.
Today’s adventure is the Lean Cuisine Garlic Chicken Spring Rolls, which have moved from the Craveables line to the Features line. We loved these back in the Craveables days, and we’re excited to try them now that they’ve settled into their new home.
First, we must cook these.
Just like the previous version, these spring rolls come with crisping sleeves so they can be cooked in the microwave without getting too soggy. Simply open the package, open the sleeves, slide three spring rolls into each sleeve, then toss the whole shebang into the microwave. (If you want to see complete cooking instructions straight from the box, check out our package scans at the bottom of this review.)
unfortunately, the crisping sleeves don’t do the trick as well as we remember. They certainly help, but you shouldn’t expect these to get crispy in the microwave.
The overall flavor, however, it great. The shells, while less crisp than ideal, still have a really lovely flavor to them. The consistency is a little weird, but the taste is spot-on.
As for the filling, we really love it. Now, the fact that the edges look like they’re packed with grilled meat is deceptive — those dark meat pieces are just there as stoppers to prevent the rest if the filling from spilling out. When you cut these in half, you can clearly see the difference.
Still, the flavor is great. This is a combination of white-meat chicken and spinach, but the onions, garlic, and parmesan cheese really do a lot of the talking here. This is not a flavor combo we’d refer to as subtle. Plus, there’s just a little bit of sweetness to it. We would have sworn there were ginger in these if we wouldn’t have looked at the ingredients list and found it to be absent.
The box advertises that these only have 180 calories, but that’s a little deceptive. There are two packets of three spring rolls — for a total of six — and the package only considers one packet to be a serving. You can definitely eat all six in a sitting, since these aren’t very filling.
The Lean Cuisine Garlic Chicken Spring Rolls are as tasty in the Features line as they were back in the Craveables line. They aren’t perfect, by any means, but they still make for a pretty delicious snack.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for these Lean Cuisine spring rolls, check out our package scans below.