We love shrimp here at Freezer Meal Frenzy — well, our non-vegetarian staffers do at least. So we’ve really been having a good ol’ time making our way through the Scott & Jon’s line of frozen meals. While not every item they make contains shrimp, we were definitely the most interested in the shrimp side of their frozen food lineup.
So boy howdy, are we excited about trying out the Scott & Jon’s Shrimp Jambalaya today!
This is fast and easy to cook. Simply cut a one-inch slit in the film, then pop it into the microwave for three and a half minutes. This is about as simple as it could possibly be.
This does come out of the microwave looking kind of pale, as you can see in the image above. However, we stirred it a bit and the rice turned from white to brown in very little time. It does not, however, turn out reddish, as the image on the box seems to imply.
We have to admit that this smells a little weird. It has sort of a fishing-tackle scent to it, and that doesn’t go away when you stir it. But despite that, this actually tastes fine.
The shrimp is undoubtedly the best part of any Scott & Jon’s frozen meal. This is a delightful shrimp, with loads of flavor, and it has a nice snap when you bite into it. We didn’t find this batch to be as buttery tasting as other Scott & Jon’s shrimp, though that might be due to the spices.
The rest of the meal is pretty alright, though not amazing. It’s mostly rice, with red bell peppers, celery, and onions mixed in. Then, of course, is the blend of spices, which gives this its flavor. The box is kind of vague about what those spices are exactly, but it does mention garlic powder and onion powder.
This meal does have a bit of kick to it. In fact, this was spicier than we’d expected, though it’s definitely nowhere near as spicy as some of our readers would prefer. We have a midwestern spice tolerance, and we found this to be about a medium spice level, so take that into consideration when judging the spice level for yourself. Your mileage may vary.
There are only 260 calories in this dish, making it a great option for dieters. This does also include 570 mg of sodium, which is a little high for anyone avoiding sodium, but that actually makes this lower in sodium than your average frozen meal.
The Scott & Jon’s Shrimp Jambalaya is pretty good, though not amazing. There are definitely better meals in the Scott & Jon’s lineup, though this one will still do the trick if all you want is a spicy shrimp bowl.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this frozen shrimp bowl, check out our package scans below.
This only gives cooking time for microwave. however there is nothing on the packaging how to cook without the microwave. I would not have bought this aI DO NOT HAVE A MICROWAVE. HOW can I cook this or should ai just throw out????