We’ve had pizza on the brain lately. We’ve been seeing pizza ads all over the place (perhaps that’s due to our browser history), and overhearing conversations about pizza while out on the town. In fact, we’ve even been having dreams about pizza.
And you know what that means? It’s time for us to cook up a frozen pizza and give our thoughts. Thankfully, DiGiorno has been making some adjustments to their personal-size frozen pizzas, so it’s a good time to check in and see if these changes are for the better.
So today, we’re very happy to be reviewing the DiGiorno Personal Size Four Cheese Pizza with Hand-Tossed Style Traditional Crust, which is apparently new and improved. As far as we can tell, this is a new version of the Traditional Crust Four Cheese Pizza, which we reviewed about five years ago. Ah, we were so much younger back then! And apparently much less chatty, because our previous review is super short compared to the longwinded rambles we’ve been writing lately.

Now, we wanted to experiment with the crisping tray again, even though the package does include cooking instructions for the oven and air fryer. However, we do think that most people will probably cook this in the microwave, so that’s the cooking method we are obligated to go with for this review.
Okay, if we’re being perfectly honest, we were just really hungry and didn’t want to wait for our meal…
Anyway, if you have any desire to read the full cooking instructions straight off the box, you can scroll on down to the bottom of this review to check out our package scans. We should point out, however, that we did nuke ours pizza for about 30 extra seconds, because it didn’t quite seem done at the suggested three-minute mark.

First up, we have to say that this crust is very much designed to be heated in a traditional oven rather than the microwave. Our microwaved version — even with the extra 30 seconds of cook time — came out super soft and almost Play-Doh-y. It’s not the most appealing consistency, but it still tastes fine. We just think DiGiorno’s crust comes out much, much better in the oven.
This crust also seemed thicker than usual to us, but we’re not sure if that’s just because it’s been so long since we reviewed a DiGiorno pizza (it’s been about a year and a half), or if it’s somehow a result of our microwave experiment.
Now, the rest of the pizza is just sauce and cheese. The sauce is that traditional tomato paste that DiGiorno uses, and the four-cheese blend is mostly mozzarella, with parmesan, asiago, and romano to up the ante a little bit. This is the standard stuff we’d expect from DiGiorno, and we have no complaints.
This is definitely not intended for dieters, as it contains 670 calories and 1,300 mg of sodium. That’s 10 calories fewer than were in the previous version of this pizza, but the sodium level has increased. And boy howdy, that’s some sodium. Frozen food is known for being high in sodium in general, but this contains almost double the amount we’d expect in your average microwavable meal.
The DiGiorno Personal Size Four Cheese Pizza with Hand-Tossed Style Traditional Crust is a classic DiGiorno pie, though it does get a little squishy in the microwave. We’d love to try cooking one of these in the oven, but then again, if we were going to spend that much time, we’d rather just cook a full-sized pizza and either share it with a friend or save some leftovers for the following day. But if you need a decent-tasting pizza in a pinch, this one will do just fine.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this frozen pizza, check out our package scans below.