While it may be chilly outside, the radiators in the Freezer Meal Frenzy office have been working overtime. In fact, we’ve had to open up the windows to let some of this hot air escape into the below-freezing environment. Even though it seems like we should be craving hot items at this time of year — like hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven — we’re actually looking to cool off a bit.
So the Trader Joe’s Figo! Half Dipped Chocolate & Vanilla Flavored Sandwich Bars could not have come at a better time. This ice cream-filled treat is the perfect thing to chill with as we battle our overly ambitious radiators. And we’re not the only ones excited about these — they seem to be quite popular right now.
These ice cream sandwiches come six in a box, and each one of them is individually wrapped. They’re not super big, but the package considers two to be a serving, so you can indulge a little bit. You have permission to eat two of these in a sitting — permission straight from the box!

Now, these are kind of weird-looking. This is basically an ice cream sandwich where the ice cream portion was too big to fit between the cookies so it sticks out really far to one side. And since there was all that extra ice cream, TJ’s decided to dip the protruding ice cream in chocolate. So it kind of looks like something that was screwed up at the manufacturer.

But looks ain’t everything, folks, and these are incredible where it counts: the flavor.
The vanilla ice cream is super sweet. It has an almost perfumey sweetness to it, which we would be tempted to say is too sweet. What brings it back down to Earth, though, is the dark chocolate that this is dipped in. The rich, chocolatey sweetness of the shell kind of grounds everything, so that vanilla sweetness that wants to run wild is kept in its place.
Plus, the cookie portion is super tasty. This has almost an Oreo-like flavor to it, which is the perfect compliment to that sweety sweet ice cream. It’s wonderful.
If you eat the recommended two-bar serving size, you’ll be eating 350 calories. That might be kind of a lot, but keep in mind that this is two bars. You can cut that down to 175 calories if you decide to eat just one sandwich, so that’s a decent option for dieters.
The Trader Joe’s Figo! Half Dipped Chocolate & Vanilla Flavored Sandwich Bars make for an incredible frozen dessert. This might be an odd choice for the snowy season, but if your heat is turned just a notch too high and you need something sweet to cool off with, then these are a great option.
To learn more about the nutrition content or ingredients for this frozen dessert, check out our package scan below.

Wasn’t tasty