Trader Joe’s Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza Review

Trader Joe's Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza

Sometimes, we find Trader Joe’s items that we know are actually other items. The Trader Joe’s Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza, for example, comes from is actually made by a French brand called Maitre Pierre. TJ’s didn’t even change the font on the box!

Whether you know this as a Trader Joe’s product or a Maitre Pierre product, though, it still looks pretty darn tasty. So we decided to check it out today to see what it’s all about.

Cooking this is nice and easy. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, unwrap the pizza (ahem, tarte…) and place it on a baking sheet, then pop it into the oven for 14 to 18 minutes. As this cooks, it has a lovely doughy smell, more like croissants than your standard pizza. It’s quite mouthwatering.

Trader Joe's Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza

Once you actually bite into it, it tastes perhaps a bit less like a croissant than you might expect based on the smell. However, it still does have a buttery pastry flavor that’s quite lovely. We really like this crust, and we’d love to try more pizza like this. Well, tarte. We keep wanting to call this pizza, but it’s tarte!

On top of the crust, you have a lovely blend of cheese, containing emmental, parmigiano reggiano, and “cheese sauce.” This does have animal rennet in it, so it’s not vegetarian-friendly. That’s sad news for our vegetarian friends!

Flavor-wise, though, this is incredible. Because these are “sharper” cheeses, this has a sort of pungent flavor to it that we think tastes really fancy. It’s complimented with a creamy sauce that’s wonderful.

And then there are the mushrooms. They’re maybe not quite as flavorful as we’d like, but that doesn’t matter so much when the cheese and crust both have so much flavor to them. The mushrooms are just a bonus here, and they’re some decent mushrooms — we definitely appreciate their inclusion here.

Trader Joe's Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza

According to the box, half the tarte is a serving size. If you eat half the tarte, you’ll be consuming 290 calories and 640 mg of sodium. If you eat the whole thing, however, you’ll be downing 580 calories and 1,270 mg of sodium. Of course, this is thin and small, so you might end up eating the whole thing in a sitting.

The Trader Joe’s Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza is absolutely amazing. We love the flavorful crust and the pungent blend of cheese on top. We’ve not had any other pizzas quite like this, and we can definitely see ourselves going back to TJ’s to pick up another one.

To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this frozen pizza, check out our package scans below.

Trader Joe's Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza
Trader Joe's Tarte aux Champignons Flatbread Pizza
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