The Freezer Meal Frenzy staff loves Tandoor Chef’s pizzas, which may not be traditional, but they’re absolutely delicious. Now that we’ve tried their Samosas with Mint Chutney, we can say that Tandoor Chef isn’t a one-hit wonder. Their samosas are even tastier than their pizza.
These samosas are a little trickier to prepare than some of our other favorite frozen treats. The samosas have to be cooked in the oven while the chutney has to be heated in the microwave. We had a little bit of trouble when we thawed out our chutney. Even though the instructions said to microwave the chutney for 15 seconds, it took us 30 seconds to thaw everything out. Still, this dish was worth the extra effort.
The chutney definitely could have been packaged better; we had a hard time getting it out onto our plate. Thankfully, it’s tasty enough to make up for that — it’s spicy and flavorful with a slight hint of mint to it. We’ve tried chutney that tasted a little too vinegary, but this one is absolutely perfect.
The samosas are just as fantastic as the chutney. The box claims that these samosas are restaurant-ready, and we think they live up to that claim. All of the ingredients taste very fresh, and it’s hard to believe that the samosas aren’t freshly fried. They’re filled with all kinds of great ingredients, from green chilis to potatoes to peas. Even our pea-hating staffers had to admit that these peas tasted absolutely amazing.
The outer shell of the samosa is made from wheat flour, and you can definitely taste the difference. Even when some of our filling fell out onto our plate, the seasoned pastry tasted great on its own. Every ingredient in this dish is a hit.
These samosas are a pretty decent size. If you’re not too hungry, you could easily split a box with a friend. If you’re a fan of samosas, or simply enjoy other foods in the Tandoor Chef line, you should definitely give these samosas a try.
For more information about this dish’s ingredients or nutritional content, check out our scans below.