Good Food Made Simple Turkey Sausage Scramble Bowl Review

Good Food Made Simple Turkey Sausage Scramble Bowl

There’s nothing quite like waking up to a hot cup of coffee and an egg scramble. Good Food Made Simple offers half of that combo with their Turkey Sausage Scramble Bowl, which promises to be an antibiotic- and hormone-free breakfast. And you won’t even need to run out to your local diner; you can prepare this in your pajamas.

This frozen meal comes out of the microwave smelling heavenly.

The egg content is purely egg whites; there’s no yellow scrambled eggs here, which contributes to this dish’s low calorie count. In fact, we were quite surprised to find an egg-and-meat breakfast dish that contains so few calories with this portion size. There are only 220 calories (90 from fat) in this entire dish.

Good Food Made Simple Turkey Sausage Scramble Bowl

Another key factor in the low-calorie equation is the use of turkey sausage instead of pork. This sausage has a great taste and a hint of pepper, but it’s a little harder to chew than we expected. It has almost a rubbery consistency. Thankfully, this is our biggest complaint about the whole meal.

The other components here are potatoes and bell peppers, and a small helping of white cheddar cheese ties it all together.

To put it plainly, Good Food Made Simple’s Turkey Sausage Breakfast Scramble is a great way to kick off your morning routine.

To learn more about the nutrition and ingredients in this frozen food, check out our package scan below.

Good Food Made Simple Turkey Sausage Scramble Bowl

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