we recently tried 365 Everyday Value’s Bean & Cheese Burrito, and it wasn’t too shabby. So we decided to delve deeper into this line, checking out the Bean & Chicken Burrito next.
Like any burrito, we didn’t feel comfortable just sticking this in the microwave. Instead, we heated it in the oven. First, we let the burrito thaw overnight. The next day, we preheated the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit and tossed the burrito inside. We let it cook for about 40 minutes, flipping it over about halfway through.
This guy comes out of the oven looking pretty messy.
Unlike most of the chicken burritos we’ve tried, like Evol’s Sriracha Chicken Big Burrito, this one actually has a pretty good amount of chicken. It’s surrounded by a dark sauce that looks a bit like BBQ sauce, though it doesn’t taste like anything. Seriously, we can tell it’s trying to taste like something, but we can’t figure out what. The flavor is just too weak to make anything out.
And that’s the most disappointing part of this burrito. With a better-tasting sauce, 365 Everyday Value’s Bean & Chicken Burrito would have been something special. As it is, it’s hard to recommend. If you want to stick with Whole Foods branded food, the Bean & Cheese Burrito is much better than this one. Otherwise, it’s hard to do better than Evol’s Sriracha Chicken Big Burrito, which we mentioned earlier.
To learn more about the nutrition info and ingredients of this frozen burrito, check out our package scans below.