Sweet Earth Protein Lover’s Breakfast Scramble Review

Sweet Earth Protein Lover's Breakfast Scramble

Sweet Earth’s frozen burritos were among the first frozen foods we’ve ever reviewed here at Freezer Meal Frenzy. We’re happy to report that the food-maker hasn’t stopped releasing new vegetarian-friendly meals. We’re especially excited to see them returning to the world of breakfast foods, as their Farmstand Breakfast Sandwiches are wonderful (though too often hard to find).

Today, we’re returning to the breakfast side of this line with the Sweet Earth Protein Lover’s Breakfast Scramble. Obviously, we’re pretty excited about it.

According to the back of the box, all you need to do is pop this into the microwave for two minutes, give it a stir, then pop it back in for another minute. We were admittedly skeptical, as three minutes is pretty fast for a frozen meal, but for us it ended up being the right amount of time. (If you want to read the full cooking instructions straight off the back of the box, check out our package scans at the bottom of this review.)

Sweet Earth Protein Lover's Breakfast Scramble

This really does have a bacon smell to it, which is a result of the Sweet Earth Benevolent bacon. If you’re expecting an authentic bacon here, you’ll probably be disappointed. It doesn’t taste nearly as bacony as it smells, with more of a grainy flavor to it. It’s also quite soft, which wouldn’t be the case for actual bacon. That said, it’s not a bad-tasting faux meat by any means. There’s a reason why the Benevolent Bacon is a popular option for vegetarians.

There’s also some plant-based sausage here, and we’re much less into that. It has a better consistency than the bacon, but it also kind of tastes like fish food. We would have definitely preferred this dish without the faux sausage at all. Fortunately, the portion size is small enough that it doesn’t really get in the way of the rest of the meal.

The majority of this meal is made from potatoes and scrambled eggs. The potatoes are diced up into small cubes, and they’re nice and firm. The scrambled eggs also turn out pretty good here. Some frozen breakfast foods end up with soggy eggs, and that’s not an issue here at all.

You’ll also find plenty of spinach in here, though it’s a little bit bland and flavorless. While it’s not great on its own, it actually doesn’t really impact the flavor of the meal too much, so we can’t really complain. Some fresh, earthy spinach would have been lovely here, but this stuff isn’t terrible, and it certainly doesn’t ruin the meal.

Dieters can rejoice knowing that this contains only 280 calories and 570 mg of sodium. Both of those numbers are below average for a frozen meal. This isn’t super filling, though, even with all the potatoes, so keep that in mind before planning this as the entirety of your breakfast.

The Sweet Earth Protein Lover’s Breakfast Scramble is pretty good, though it doesn’t completely stick the landing. We think it’s definitely good enough, but there are some flaws that hold this back from true greatness. Replacing the faux sausage with more Benevolent Bacon would improve the meal, as would using a higher-quality spinach. All that said, we still enjoyed this meal, but at the end of the day, we’d take a Farmstand Breakfast Sandwich over this as our vegetarian-friendly breakfast of choice.

To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this vegetarian-friendly breakfast scramble, check out our package scans below.

Sweet Earth Protein Lover's Breakfast Scramble
Sweet Earth Protein Lover's Breakfast Scramble
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