Talenti Chocolate Pretzel Gelato Layers Review

Talenti Chocolate Pretzel Gelato Layers

As a frozen food site, we tend to mostly focus on microwavable breakfast foods and quick, easy meals and frozen pizzas and things like that. But on top of comfort foods and basic meals, there’s a whole world of dessert waiting in the freezer aisle for those who are willing to look. And here at Freezer Meal Frenzy, we are very much willing to do that.

We’ve been digging through the Talenti line of gelato treats for a while now, and today we’re checking in on the brand again with the Talenti Chocolate Pretzel Gelato Layers frozen dessert.

This cold batch of goodness contains five layers:

  • Salted pretzel gelato
  • Chocolatey waffle cone pieces
  • Salted pretzel sauce
  • Vanilla gelato
  • Chocolate flakes

We’re going to walk through these one by one. Mostly.

Talenti Chocolate Pretzel Gelato Layers

We honestly expected this to start out with a vanilla gelato, but Talenti decided they weren’t going to play it safe here at all. And this really pays off, as the pretzel-flavored gelato is amazing. It has a flavor that reminds us in some ways of a salted caramel, though there’s a little bit of a delay between the time this hits your tongue and the time the salted flavor starts coming through the creamy gelato.

Next is sort of a double layer. You’ve got the chocolate waffle cone flakes that mix into a salted pretzel sauce, which only enriches the salty-sweet combo and turns this into a mega-rich flavor explosion. The waffle cone bits add a really nice texture, too.

Beneath all that is where you’ll find the vanilla portion. This isn’t quite as exciting as the salted pretzel portion, but Talenti still makes a mean vanilla gelato. This is no slouch.

At the very bottom you’ve got chocolate flakes. Let’s be honest here: By the time you get this deep, the chocolate chips might be overkill. Still, they taste lovely and it’s not like they’re hurting anything.

This is certainly not made for dieters. 1/3 of the carton is a serving, and it’s going to be tempting to dig through this whole thing in a sitting — especially if it’s really hot out and you’re just craving some oh-so-sweet relief. If you stick with the recommended serving, you’re already looking at 340 calories. If you end up scarfing down the whole thing in a sitting, you’re up to 1,020. Yeesh!

The Talenti Chocolate Pretzel Gelato Layers frozen dessert is an incredible combo that’s at its absolute best when the sweet and salty flavors crash together in one incredibly joyful bite. While you might need to practice some self-control here — we struggled with this ourselves — we still do recommend this for anyone looking for an über-sweet treat to beat the heat.

To learn more about the nutrition content or ingredients for this gelato, check out our carton photograph below.

Talenti Chocolate Pretzel Gelato Layers
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