Trader Joe’s Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches Review

Trader Joe's Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches

As we’ve mentioned before, the Freezer Meal Frenzy staff has a soft spot for Hot Pockets. We can’t help but get excited when we see healthy, unusual, and meat-free versions of this frozen food classic. So when we saw Trader Joe’s Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches, we knew they were right up our alley.

These aloo chaat pouches can actually be prepared in two different ways. You can place one inside a crisping sleeve and cook it like a Hot Pocket, or you can heat it up in the oven. Since the box includes two kati pouches, we decided to try both preparation methods.

Trader Joe's Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches

We’re really impressed with the oven-heated version of the meal. The pastry comes out perfectly crispy, and the filling inside heats evenly. The crunch of the crust compliments softer ingredients like the potatoes and chickpeas beautifully. We’d say that this version is leaps and bounds above your average Hot Pocket.

The microwave version is still tasty, but it’s less impressive overall. When you heat these pouches in the microwave, the crust comes out a little dry. We wouldn’t describe it as bad, but it doesn’t do anything to enhance the other ingredients. The pouches definitely taste more like Hot Pockets when prepared this way.

Trader Joe's Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches

No matter how you heat these pouches, the filling is pretty good. It’s definitely spicy, but nothing that will catch you off guard if you’re used to Indian cuisine. We love the pairing of the potatoes and chutney; it’s a flavor combination that really works for us. Hints of coconut and mango also give the pouches a slightly sweet flavor.

Trader Joe’s Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches are appealing, especially if you take the time to heat them in the oven. If you’ve ever wanted to combine Hot Pockets with Indian food, you’ll find these to be a dream come true. And even if you’re not big on Hot Pockets, these pouches are worth picking up.

To learn more about the nutrition content or ingredients in this Trader Joe’s frozen food, check out our package scans below.

Trader Joe's Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches

Trader Joe's Aloo Chaat Kati Pouches

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3 years ago

Rats! I found out today they’ve been discontinued.

3 years ago

They are spicy but not hot. Taste good.!

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