We were introduced to the Devour brand via their Buffalo Chicken Mac & Cheese, and we’ve been in love ever since. We’ve followed them for years through several hits and occasional misses.
For a bit, Devour was experimenting with dry macaroni, and the results were not great (despite their frozen mac and cheese dishes being some of the best in the business). With the Devour Creamy Bacon Mac & Cheese with Chicken, it looks like Devour might have taken one of their dry macaronis back to the drawing board. A frozen version of this dish would surely be superior to the dry one, right?
Well, folks, there’s only one way to find out. We’re going to eat this thing and see how it tastes.
To cook this, you won’t be required to do anything unusual. Pop it into the microwave for a bit, give it a good stir, then pop it back in. It’s pretty standard stuff as far as frozen-meal heating goes. (If you want to read the full cooking instructions straight from the box, check out our package scans at the bottom of this review.)

For a dish that has the word Creamy in the title, we did expect the sauce to be a little creamier than it actually is. It’s more of a sticky sauce, we’d say, though this is likely due to the fact that the sauce portion is a bit scant. This macaroni certainly isn’t drenched in the stuff. Of course, as a garlic sauce, this stuff is quite potent, so you really don’t need more of it — there’s plenty of flavor to go around. Plus, the tight spiral shape of the pasta traps the sauce, infusing every bite with loads of garlic flavor.
To clarify, this sauce is delicious — there’s just not as much of it here as we expected.
Too many frozen meals that add bacon will use a finely ground variation that hardens and tastes a bit like Beggin’ Strips (yes, we’ve tasted Beggin’ Strips — these are the lengths we’re willing to go to for our reviews!) The bacon here comes in bigger chunks, and they taste like real bacon (rather than bacon-flavored dog treats).
Unlike the dry version of this dish, this one contains big chunks of grilled chicken breast. This stuff is juicy and surprisingly rich for a white meat. It’s strange that Devour sort of downplays the presence of the chicken in their marketing materials because this white meat is fantastic.
Devour might be known for flavor, but they’re certainly not known for being diet-friendly. This meal contains 470 calories (180 from fat) and 840 mg of sodium. While that’s often the price you pay for quality, it’s a price that might be too steep for dieters, especially those trying to reduce their sodium intake.
With the Devour Creamy Bacon Mac & Cheese with Chicken, Devour attempts to redeem itself for their dry macaroni snafu. And it works! This is a delicious bowl of macaroni that’s superior to the dry version in every conceivable way.
To learn more about the nutrition content, ingredients, or cooking instructions for this Devour mac and cheese, check out our package scans below.